Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection


Do You Know The Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection?

One of the more painful infections any female can have is a yeast infection. To experience the excruciating pain and constant itching is a form of torture that can literally bring one to tears. If you have ever been unlucky enough to have the symptoms of a yeast infection, you know that the only thing you want is fast and effective yeast infection relief.

The challenge that most people face when trying to figure out if they have a yeast infection or not is that the symptoms are often confused with other types of infections and STD's. When in doubt, go see your doctor so that it can be treated quickly and properly. Here are some of the signs that should have you making an appointment.

If you are experiencing a painful itching sensation in your vaginal area, you are probably suffering from a yeast infection. If not treated immediately, this itching will spread to the vulva, labia and anus. The itching will be very severe and will not cease.

You will also be experiencing a burning sensation in the same regions. You will see inflammation, redness and it will be extremely sore. Another common characteristic is this region will be swelling that is a result of the itching and soreness.

Out of the ordinary vaginal discharges is one of the common symptoms of a yeast infection. They can come in many different forms: clear, cloudy, lumpy or curd (think cottage cheese). One thing that will set these discharges apart though and link them to a yeast infection is that they will not have a distinct odor - fish like - that will set them apart from an STD discharge.

One this is for sure, if you have a yeast infection, you will be experiencing a vast amount of pain. This pain will be absolutely horrible during urination and intercourse. During urination, your urine stream is likely to hit the vulva and aggravate an already inflamed area. Intercourse will also aggravate the inflammation and prove to be extremely difficult. In actuality, you are going to want to avoid intercourse if you suspect that you have this infection not only because it is painful but also because you can pass it on.

Last but not least, you can also get an oral yeast infection. This is located on the inside cheek, gums and mouth. You will see a white, creamy like lesion that will be extremely sensitive to the touch and will more than likely bleed during the act of brushing your teeth or by simply touching it.

The symptoms of a yeast infection can cause a lot of discomfort and embarrassment. You will want to make sure that you get it treated immediately. As home remedies become more and more popular, several proven methods are available to treat this but you should always still consult your doctor to ensure that it is 100% cured and does not lead to something more serious.